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Buying or holding a ticket and / or being at the place where event is held is an acknowledgement that the attendee has read, and agreed with, these rules:



1.1. Attendees must keep their tickets, along with a proof of purchase, with them at all times. Damaged or counterfeit tickets and proofs of purchase are not valid, and cannot be returned to the organiser.

1.2. Tickets cannot be exchanged or returned. In case the event is cancelled before it starts (before the first special stage), payment for the tickets is returned after showing a proof of purchase. Payment for the tickets is not returned by showing only the wristband.

1.3. In order to protect yourselves from buying counterfeit tickets, please buy them only in the locations specified by the organiser.

1.4. Attendees present during the event must have a wristband. These will be checked when entering a spectator area.

1.5. The organiser has authority to verify the authenticity of an attendee’s wristband at any time in the spectator area or upon an attendee leaving it.

1.6. Copying and / or illegally duplicating the tickets, as well as selling them to third parties, is strictly forbidden, and is a criminal offense. All risk associated with these actions will be borne by the person in possession of a counterfeit ticket.

1.7. If a ticket or wristband are deemed to be invalid or damaged, the attendee must leave the spectator area immediately.

1.8. Organiser will contact law enforcement about any person who distributes or tries to use a counterfeit ticket for entry into the event. All risk associated with these actions will be borne by the person in possession of a counterfeit ticket.

1.9. It is strictly forbidden to give your ticket and / or wristband to another person.

1.10. Organiser does not bear any responsibility for unused tickets, and these will not be refunded.



2.1. The organizer of the event keep the right to change the rules of visitors related to the epidemiologically safe course of the event at any time before the event, as well as during the event, if such changes must be implemented on the basis of binding laws and / or orders made by the Cabinet of Ministers Republic of Latvia, FIA or LAF. The organizer of the event is obliged to inform the ticket holders about such changes.

2.2. If necessary, the organizer keep the right to require visitors to show an identity document and / or an interoperable vaccination or disease certificate.



3.1. People with disabilities can attend the event free of charge. Upon entering the spectator area, the person with a disability must show a valid disability certificate. If a person does not have such a document, the organiser has a right to not let this person attend the event free of charge.

3.2. Children up to (and including) 10 years of age can attend the event free of charge. At the entrance to a spectator area, it will be necessary to show a valid document stating the age of the child.

3.3. If a person with a disability is assigned an assistant in accordance with the law, or a person with a disability is a child under the age of 18, entrance to the event is free of charge for the person accompanying person with a disability. Only one person may accompanying person with a disability on both days of the event. 

3.4. The above mentioned rules apply only to persons whose disability certificate has been issued in Latvia.



4.1. Entrance to the event is free of charge for children under the age of 10 (under the age of 10 on the day of the event). Children must be supervised by an adult (parent or guardian) for the duration of the event and at the event venue. Parents or guardians are personally responsible for their underage children and their safety.

4.2. Discounted Junior tickets are available for children and teenagers aged 10 to 17 (including; under 18 on the day of the event).

4.3. At the entrance to the event, all children and teenagers up to (and including) 17 years of age must show a personal / age identification document together with the purchased Junior ticket at the ticket office or at the entrance to the event venue.

4.4. Children and teenagers under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult at the event venue. The organizer is not responsible for the safety of children if they do not follow the rules of the event or are not under the supervision of adults.



5.1. Entrance in the spectator areas is possible only with a valid wristband. On ticket exchange points each attendee will receive a wristband that needs to be put around the wrist in a way that it is impossible to take off without tearing it.

5.2. This wristband must be around the wrist of an attendee throughout the event, on both days. Two-day wristband must be used around the wrist of an attendee on both days of the event.

5.3. Organiser has the right to check these wristbands at the entrance and exit of spectator areas, as well as inside them. The attendee must have the wristband, and it cannot be damaged, opened, or given to another person.

5.4. An attendee without a wristband will have to leave the spectator area immediately, and, depending on the circumstances, a decision will be made regarding involving law enforcement.

5.5. If damaged, opened and other invalid wristbands are found, the organiser has a right to expel an attendee in possession of such a wristband from the spectator area, while confiscating the damaged wristband, as well as to get in touch with law enforcement regarding this person. A decision on whether a wristband is damaged is made by the organiser, or an appointed person, based on a visual inspection of it, compared to a valid wristband.

5.6. The event may be attended free of charge by persons to whom the Organizer has issued passes for certain special stages. It is allowed to use one issued pass for one person in the specified special stage.



6.1. By being present in the event, an attendee agrees that he / she can be filmed and / or photographed during the event, and videos or photos that include the attendee can be used for commercial, including advertising, purposes without any payment or copyrights issues.

6.2. The event will be filmed and photographed. By purchasing a ticket or being present at the event, attendees are warned and agree that during the event, video and photo images are taken and the created material may be used for commercial purposes, including, publishing in mass media and social networks purposes without any payment or copyrights issues.

6.3. Filming, photographing or other type recording of the event is for private purposes only.

6.4. Attendee agrees that, in order to provide a safe environment for everyone, he / she can be asked to show valid documentation / tickets and can be subject to a bag check.

6.5. Organiser has a right to change the event programme without prior warning.

6.6. Organiser bears no responsibility on the quality of the foods, drinks or any merchandise sold in the spectator areas. Full responsibility of the quality of these aforementioned products is borne by the particular service or goods provider.

6.7. Organiser bears no responsibility about any possible checks or work done by governmental institutions during the event.

6.8. Sale of alcoholic beverages in spectator areas is in accordance with the Latvian “Alkoholisko dzērienu aprites likums” (Law of alcoholic beverage circulation), which states that it is illegal to sell alcoholic beverages to persons younger than 18 years of age, and it is illegal for these persons to buy such beverages. In order to verify the age of a person, a retailer must ask for a valid ID. For persons aged 18 to 25, it is necessary to show a valid ID when buying an alcoholic beverage regardless of a retailer asking for it.

6.9. All children must be supervised by adults (either parents or guardians). Parents or guardians are responsible for their underage children and their safety.

6.10. Children and teenagers up to (and including) 16 years of age must be supervised by adults between 22:00 and 08:00. Organiser bears no responsibility of the safety of children if they do not obey these rules and / or are not being supervised by an adult.

6.11. Attendees must also respect any rules not written in this document, which have been given out by the organiser before or during the event.



7.1. Any action that can create a false impression of a collaboration with the organiser is forbidden.

7.2. It is strictly forbidden to use the event, its website or tickets in any advertising, marketing campaigns, giveaways, lotteries, contests, and / or other activities without consent from the organiser.

7.3. If the use of tickets is found to have been used in advertising, marketing campaigns, giveaways, lotteries, contests and / or other activities without consent from the organiser, a fine of 3000 EUR (three thousand euro) must be paid to the organiser for each such instance.

7.4. Sales of goods or services, marketing or advertising activities and / or other activities with the objective to benefit or popularize a good and / or service at the event (including rally service park) are only allowed with consent from the organiser.

7.5. Any commercial activity at the event is strictly forbidden without a written consent from the organiser.

7.6. If unauthorized commercial activities, marketing or advertising activities and / or other activities are found during the event, the transgressor must pay a fine of 3000 EUR (three thousand euro) to the organiser for each such instance, and the organiser has a right to expel the transgressor from the event and confiscate the products used as part of the activities.

7.7. In case of transgressions to rules regarding tickets, and especially in case of such transgressions, the transgressor, in addition to the aforementioned fine, will be responsible for any losses incurred by the organiser due to these actions, up to and including the loss of the organising licence or other losses that have been caused by this transgression.

7.8. All the rules mentioned above also apply to tickets not purchased through the official sales proposed by the organiser, as well of those who are in the territory of the event without a ticket and / or event wristband.

7.9. Attendees are not allowed to show / display / place any advertising or similar exposition in or near the venue of the event, or visible from the venue of the event, which may cause the media and / or any part of their transmission to be interrupted or banned in any country of the world.



8.1. Attendees must treat the environment with care. Organisers ask to place any trash in the specified areas or trashcans.

8.2. Organisers also ask attendees to respect the properties of local homeowners, by which the special stages go.

8.3. Attendees do not have rights to walk through plantations and crops. All warning signs at the venue must be observed at all times, as well as warnings from race officials and / or security guards at all times. 


9.    SAFETY

9.1. Motorsports can be dangerous! Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, accidents can happen. Attendees are fully responsible for their own safety at the event venue. Attendees must constantly assess whether their safety at the venue is not endangered.

9.2. Organiser or an appointed person has the right to not let in or expel attendees from the spectators area, if the behaviour of an attendee interferes or could interfere with other attendees and / or the organiser, and / or the safety and well-being of the competitors, or in cases when an attendee does not follow these rules or directions from the organiser.

9.3. Attendees can be searched at the entrance as a safety precaution.

9.4. It is strictly forbidden to enter spectator areas with weapons, explosives, drugs and / or alcohol. If any of the aforementioned items are found with an attendee, the organiser or an appointed person has the right to confiscate these items and expel the attendee from the event.

9.5. It is strictly forbidden to use, sell, keep or bring drugs into spectator areas.

9.6. Attendees must care for their safety and well-being when in the service park and attending the event.

9.7. Children and teenagers up to (and including) 12 years of age can only enter the service park with an adult.

9.8. Organiser does not bear any responsibility about injuries sustained by attendees during the event.

9.9. Organiser does not bear any responsibility about damaged, lost or stolen personal belongings.

9.10. Attendees must follow the directions given by the organiser and their appointed persons, including the safety and security teams.



10.1. Attendees must park their car so that it is not in the way of other attendees and organisers who might need to pass by.

10.2. Please always follow the directions given by the organiser’s safety personnel, and never park your car in front of an Evacuation Road.

10.3. Organiser does not bear any responsibility about cars that are parked near or within a spectator area.

10.4. Organiser does not bear any responsibility about cars, and goods left in these cars, as well as the cars that have been parked on an Evacuation Road.


Event / competition – Tet Rally Liepāja;

Event territory – rally special stages (a ticket is needed for attendance); service park; opening / awards ceremony;

Attendees – persons who are present in the event with valid wristband.


The rules were revised and published on 11.04.2022.


On 20.07.2021. RA EVENTS has signed an agreement No. SKV-TL-2021/15 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for support provided under the “Promotion of international competitiveness” framework that is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.